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Your Presentation Skills Need Work!


If someone were to tell you that, how would you feel? Alvin Morton knows exactly how he felt 8 years ago when those words were said to him. He has the charisma, the knowledge but his delivery was't on par.

He was introduced to Toastmasters indirectly. We are yet to hear the story on how that happened but right now, all we care about is that he made the leap after hearing about Winners Toastmasters and he followed through by taking action. So much so, he is now the outgoing Area Director for Area 37. Yes, if you are reading these blogs, those titles may sound off to you but in time, you will see that Toastmasters is not only about speaking in public, it prepares you for life, work, being a mentor to others and a leader.

Once you join a Toastmasters club, especially Winners, you just never know the path it will take you. Even you may surprise yourself!

Watch and listen to Alvin share his #MYWHY for being a Toastmaster

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Winners Toastmasters offers a warm and encouraging environment with a proven method which helps people like you to gain confidence, improve your communication, speaking and leadership skills through a learning by doing experience





Phone: +1 868 - 485 - 2313


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